Smart Leadership: Achieving Strategy through Leadership & Innovation

202506janAll Day10Smart Leadership: Achieving Strategy through Leadership & Innovation

Course Details


• Set creativity and innovation in a strategic context
• Understand the drivers for a greater emphasis in business on creativity and innovation
• Identify the processes and activities which support creativity and innovation in organizations
• Identify the strategies, tools and techniques to improve levels of creativity and innovation
• Understand how the process of change can block or enable employees at all levels to resist or embrace a greater emphasis on creativity and innovation
• Understand the crucial role and skills of the leader in creating an environment where creativity and innovation thrive


Encouraging a Creative Climate at Work
• Innovative leadership for excellent performance
• The Critical mass for change and innovation
• Innovation VS Constant Improvement
• How a Leader Creates a Climate of Innovation
• Case Study on Most Innovative Companies
• Innovation and current business breakthroughs

Gaining the Participation of the Workforce
• The G.E. “Workout” Strategy
• Developing Creative Solutions for Strategies
• Gaining the “Buy-In” from the workforce
• Overcoming Paradigms
• Dealing with Organizational “Drift”
• Case Study on Gaining Empowerment

Leading on the creative edge
• Developing Creative Potential in People and Teams
• Understanding Creative People
• Convergent & Divergent Thinking Skills
• Motivating Creative Individuals at work
• Incubating ideas
• Interacting creatively
• Converting expenses to assets using creativity

Creating a Motivating Climate for Higher Productivity
• The Ten Key Elements to Setting up new Missions
• Setting Goals and Targets Creatively
• Creating a “Sense of Significance”
• Rewarding Performance
• The Four Step “Pygmalion” theory
• Generational Motivators

Driving Strategic Change
• Managing the Change Process
• Kotter’s Change Management Techniques
• Communicating with a Sense of Urgency
• The Downside of Change
• Creating a climate of Constant Change
• Successful techniques for Changing People

Who Should Attend ?

Supervisors/Line Leaders
Team Leaders/Unit Heads
Managers of all Levels


January 6, 2025 - January 10, 2025 (All Day)(GMT+03:00)



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