- How to meet regulatory requirements for incident investigations
- How to develop and implement a structured program
- Designed for learning from incidents
- Why and how to define misses
- How to train others to recognize and report incidents
- Includes planning for trending of data
- How to initiate and conduct an investigation
- Establishing an effective team quickly
- Methods for collecting different types of data, including effective interviewing skills
- How and when to apply causal factor and root cause analysis for investigating process and non-process incidents
- Includes event and condition charting (causal factor charting)
- Filling data gaps using fault tree logic
- “5-Whys” technique for finding root causes
- PII’s Root Cause Chart™ for categorizing root causes
- How to develop appropriate recommendations to address root causes at various levels to avoid future incidents
- How to structure reports
- Via actual industry examples and workshops, learn key points and practice your new skills
Workshop: Identifying near misses (near hits):
- Initiating the investigation
- Gathering data
- Basics
- Gathering data from people
- Gathering data from documentation, parts, and chemicals
Workshop: Identifying key data needs:
- Analyzing data for ALL causal factors
Workshop: Causal factor charting:
Workshop: Using fault tree analysis to find all possible scenarios and determine the most likely one:
- Determining ALL root causes of each causal factor
Workshop: Identifying root causes using the “Root Cause Chart” technique:
- Developing conclusions and recommendations
Workshop: Conclusions and recommendations based on facts:
- Overview of results trending
- Preparing for the Case Study
- Case Study: Using all rules and methods taught in class to investigate actual incident in real-time setting. Small teams will:
- Determine data needs
- Gather data (interview role-players, get data from computer control
- systems, etc.)
- Use causal factor charting and fault trees to analyze data and determine ALL
- causal factors
- Use PII’s Root Cause Chart ™ to determine the multiple root causes of each
- causal factor
Who Should Attend ?
Engineers – process, process safety, and mechanical – Operations and Maintenance supervisors