Managerial skills Development and the art of dealing with stress

202402decAll Day06Managerial skills Development and the art of dealing with stress

Course Details


• To equip participants with effective managing tools to motivate and facilitate their teams. Prime areas of focus include Goal Setting, Delegation Skills, Team Building, Leadership, Time Management, Communication, Stress Management and Motivation.


 Recognizing Stress & Coping with it:
• Pre-Assessment
• What is stress?
• Conditions of Stress.
• Signs of Stress.
• Stages of Stress
• Change your Attitude & Perception.
• Change your Interaction with environment.
• Change your physical ability.
• Video & Support learning
• Practical Exercise

Who Should Attend ?

• Managers who require a refresher
• Ideal for technical executives who would like to learn people management skills to get the best from them.
• Progressive professionals who are being considered for higher managerial responsibilities
• Also for Managers who wish to take back some practical tools to get the most from their teams and maximize their true potential further
• Executives who feel they need a break from their routines and would like to refresh their minds


December 2, 2024 - December 6, 2024 (All Day)(GMT+03:00)



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Health Guidelines for this Event

Masks Required
Physical Distance Maintained
Event Area Sanitized
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