Measuring & Maximizing Training ROI

202407octAll Day11Measuring & Maximizing Training ROI

Course Details


• Understand the issues related to measuring and maximizing training return on investment at both a strategic and operating level.
• Plan, organize and deliver training programmers and events which are relevant to and will contribute to the attainment of the organization’s strategic objectives.
• Demonstrate and be able to make the business case for specific training programmers and events and therefore be able to justify training related expenditure.
• Understand and be able to implement the techniques applicable to identifying and delivery relevant training needs.
• Describe best practice in relation to employee development and therefore contribute to the achievement of competitive edge by improving employee retention rates.
• Monitor and review the effectiveness and impact of the training ‘spend’ and as a result be able to apply measures to training related processes.


Introduction – An Overview of the Strategic Role of Training
• The strategic context of training
• The business case for training investment
• The principles of effective employee development
• Training models and approaches
• Establishing training needs
• Evaluating training
• Establishing appropriate processes for measuring training return on investment (ROI)
• The role of senior managers, HR professionals and line managers in measuring and maximizing the training ROI .

Aligning Training to Business Objectives: Maximizing Training ROI
• The organizational context
• Business Strategy: the need for long term planning for future skills and competences and the identification of skills gaps
• Identifying the training need
• Aligning training with business needs
• Planning training
• Delivering effective training
• Maximizing training ROI

Measuring Training Return on Investment ROI
• The arguments for and against measuring the cost and effectiveness of training
• Making the business case
• What and how to measure
• Identifying the appropriate success criteria
• Measuring the effectiveness of training
• Forecasting costs
• Forecasting benefits
• Calculating the training ROI

Managing the Training Process
• Identifying the appropriate approach to training
• The roles and responsibilities of senior managers, HR professionals, line managers and employees
• Establishing training objectives at the strategic level
• Identifying training objectives at the operating and individual level
• Maximizing ROI – preparing training budgets
• Planning and Implementing training
• Internal or external training provision
• Determining how training will be evaluated

Evaluating Training
• Evaluation models and approaches
• Purpose of evaluation
• Some myths about evaluation
• Levels of evaluation
• Evaluation methodologies
• Linking evaluation to training ROI
• Course summary
• Personal development planning

Who Should Attend ?

Training Managers
Learning & Development Professionals
Talent Management Staff
HR Administrators and Training Assistants
HR Business Partners
Any existing HRM personnel who need to demonstrate the value if training


October 7, 2024 - October 11, 2024 (All Day)(GMT+03:00)



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