Performance Management - Setting Objectives and Conducting Appraisals

202501sepAll Day05Performance Management - Setting Objectives and Conducting Appraisals

Course Details


 Explain performance management – definitions, aims and developments.
 Develop tangible and intangible measures of performance.
 Establish business based objectives – including SMART targets and measures.
 Explain the performance management cycle and how to manage it.
 Complete the performance management cycle including end of year reviews, using competencies and various rewards programs.


Performance Management – Introduction and Definitions
 Objectives of Performance Management
 Key Terms and Uses
 Corporate Values – Their Importance
 The Nokia Story
 The Annual Performance Cycle – Overview
 Performance Management – The Mistakes

Establishing Effective Objectives
 Cascading – Vision, Mission and Strategies
 Performance Criteria – 3 Types
 The Impact of Critical Success Factors on Performance
 Key Result Areas
 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Units of Measure
 Financial and Non-Financial KPIs
 SMART Criteria – Establishing Individual Goals and Measures
 Measuring the Semi-Tangible Factors/Competencies

Managing Performance
 Statistics on People and Performance
 Continuous Reviews and Assessments
 Performance Gaps
 Common Causes of Poor Performance
 Measuring Performance – Scoring Systems
 Tips for Improving Performance
 Importance of Communication in Performance Management

The Importance of Coaching
 Coaching Responsibilities
 Benefits of Good Coaching
 Characteristics of a Good Coach
 Elements of a Good Coaching Session
 Five Steps of Coaching for Optimal Performance

Conducting Effective Performance Appraisals
 Planning Performance Appraisals
 Preparing for the Appraisal
 Avoiding the”But” Trap
 Objective not Subjective
 Conducting Effective Appraisal Meetings
 Common Appraisal Errors
 Roles of Employees and Managers

Who Should Attend ?

Team leaders, managers, business partners and line mangers who are held accountable for the performance of the organization and its employees


September 1, 2025 - September 5, 2025 (All Day)(GMT+03:00)



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Physical Distance Maintained
Event Area Sanitized
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