Safety in Industrial Plants

202423decAll Day27Safety in Industrial Plants

Course Details


identify all the possible hazards at different workplaces of industry, to conduct an occupational health risk assessment, to calculate the risk rating based on the risk matrix, and to compare the risk rating before and after the control measures.


1- Common Hazards in Industrial Plants Review:

  • Machinery Hazards
  • Chemical Hazards
  • Physical Hazards
  • Electricity Hazards
  • Noise & Vibration Hazards
  • Radiation Hazards
  • Fiver & Explosion Hazards
    2- Environmental Management System EMS –ISO 14000
  • Why introduce EMS
  • ISO 14000 Requirement
  • Environmental Legislation
  • Environmental Policy
  • Environmental Aspects & Impact
  • Environmental Implementation
  • Checking & Corrective Action
  • Management Review
  • Environmental Auditing
    • Audit Skills
    • Audit process
    • Pre Audit Activities
    • Site Inspection
    • Interview /non Compliances
    • Reporting /Recommendation
    • Follow Up
    • Certification
    3- OH SAS 18001
  • Overview on the HSE management systems development
  • Occupational health and safety hazards
  • Introduction to OHSAS 18001:1999 speciation
  • Setting Direction: Establishing and organization’s OH&S policy
  • Hazards identification ,Risk Assessment and Control ( Group Risk Assessment)
  • Legal and other requirements compliance
  • OHS Objectives setting
  • OHS Management Programs
  • Case Study
    4- Emergency Preparedness
    4.1 Major Emergency Management Planning, Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment:
    • Course introduction – aims and objectives of the event;
    • Background, structure, scope of work
    • Defining a major emergency
    • Principles underpinning the planning
    • The systems approach to major emergency management
    • Common language and terminology
    • Carrying out a risk assessment
    • Using the risk assessment 4.2 Mitigation /Risk Management
  • Prioritizing areas for mitigation
  • Implementation mitigation measures
  • Co-ordination of mitigation efforts
  • Promoting resilience
  • Oil pollution/spills control

4.3 planning and preparedness

  • Major emergency plans
  • Liking the major emergency plan with national emergency plans
  • Linking the major emergency plan with other emergency plans
  • Preparing and respond
  • Staff development, training, and exercise programs
  • Recourses issues
  • Major emergency preparedness appraisal

5- Safety Isolation of Plant & Equipment

  • Isolation Certificates
  • Identification and authorization of isolations
  • Isolation process and procedures
  • Tagging and long term isolations
  • De-isolation process and procedures
  • Sanction for test
  • Filing
  • Personal isolation
  • Isolation security
  • Other procedures
    6- Entry Intro Confined Spaces
  • Definition
  • Safe working systems
  • Gas freeing-steam, water, use and hazards of inert gas
  • Hazards and precautions
  • Major shutdowns
    7- Risk Management
  • Risk and hazards
  • The 5 steps-look, decide, evaluate, record, review
  • Job task analysis
    8- Accident incident investigation
  • Safety inspections
  • Improving safety performance –job attitudes/training & staff development
  • Contractors & safety
  • Safety committees – making them work
  • Disasters some examples
    9- Personal protective equipment

Who Should Attend ?

HSE Personnel
Mechanical Engineers
Inspection Engineers
Existing and New Project Managers
Graduate Engineers


December 23, 2024 - December 27, 2024 (All Day)(GMT+03:00)



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