Stakeholders Management : Achieving Consensus for Successful Project Execution

202421octAll Day25Stakeholders Management : Achieving Consensus for Successful Project Execution

Course Details


• Understand stakeholder needs
• Understand how stakeholders impact your project
• Know how to deal with multiple stakeholders with divergent interests
• Understand how to manage stakeholder expectations, including quality and performance expectations
• Understand the need to communicate your strategy to the project team, the customer, and other project stakeholders
• Resolve conflict and competing priorities
• Manage project public relations and organisational politics
• Contain expectations through effective status reporting and progress meetings


Understanding the Rules of Engagement and Navigating the Stakeholders Relationship Game
• Identification and categorisation of stakeholders
• Understanding stakeholder expectations
• The role of management in the stakeholder environment
• Evaluation and prioritisation of interests
• Determination of relevance of stakeholders
• Prioritising Stakeholders
• Visualising the stakeholder community
• Stakeholder requirements analysis

Managing Competing Stakeholders Expectations and Normalizing the Differences
• Stakeholder mapping
• How committed are they to the project?
• What makes them tick?
• Aligning stakeholder requirements to business and organisational objectives
• Prioritising stakeholder requirements and expectation
• Selling the project
• Maintaining the commitment
• Working with resistance for positive outcomes

Relationship Building with the Stakeholders and Achieving Consensus
• The science and art of communicating effectively
• Common communications barriers and “filters”
• Dealing with organisation politics
• Managing external stakeholders such as suppliers, regulators and the public
• Selecting communication methodologies to get your messages across
• Managing difficult stakeholders
• Managing expectations that can’t be met
• Resolving conflict

Strategies for Confidently, Competently and Skilfully Influencing, Persuading and Negotiating with Stakeholders
• Who to influence?
• The Elements of Influence
• Different types of influencing strategies
• Push and pull type behaviours
• Tools, skills and behaviours of effective influencing
• Engage stakeholders: building the relationship
• Stakeholder participation and engagement
• Road map to successful influencing

Stakeholders Rapport Management and Maintaining Execution Harmony
• Use of position, knowledge, or personal power
• Developing rapport
• Personality preferences
• Achieving and maintaining commitment
• Recognising manipulation and taking positive action
• Establishing and maintaining trust
• Dealing with Challenging Behaviours
• Converting confrontation into cooperation

Who Should Attend ?

Any Professionals/Teams involved in Projects and Business as usual Negotiators and Consultants
Functional Team
Project Professionals/Team
Commercial Team
Strategic Decision Makers/Executives involved in Decision Making
Supply Chain Executives/Professionals
Sales and Marketing Team


October 21, 2024 - October 25, 2024 (All Day)(GMT+03:00)



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