Team Leadership & Supervision: a Competency Based Approach

202421octAll Day25Team Leadership & Supervision: a Competency Based Approach

Course Details


• The skills of an effective team leader
• Understand the supervisor’s position within the organization
• The five key areas of team supervision – lead; communicate; organize; plan; control


 Effective team leadership
• Meet the expectations of your team
• Adapting your leadership style and role
• Applying the GRIPS model of team leadership
• Setting SMART goals and objectives
• Formulating goals to balance the key components of team leadership – task, team and individual

 Develop your leadership style
• Using different management styles for different situations
• Pinpoint your own management style and evaluate for effectiveness
• Learn how to effectively manage your friends
• Delegation – structure, pros and cons, do’s and don’ts

 Motivating and developing others
• Delivering practical feedback to overcome conduct and capability issues
• Setting, monitoring and driving commitment to performance standards
• Applying models of motivation to drive performance
• Pair introductions and objectives for the course
• Define the role, responsibilities and overall purpose of a supervisor / team leader
• How do you rate yourself?

 Case Study – how would you define the leadership style of each of the three department heads?
 3 Styles of Leadership – Autocratic, Laissez-Faire and Participative
 Motivation – definition and discussion of internal versus external motivation
 Discussion around different motivators

 4 Rs of Motivation – how can you motivate your teams using these?
 Delegation and how it differs from job allocation
 Applying a structure for delegation (AABCD – Analysis, Appointment, Briefing, Control, Deliver feedback)
 Case Study – Four ‘delegation dilemmas’
 Managing your friends – generate a list of ideas focused on fulfilling your new role and maintaining relationships at the same time.
 SMART(ER) – a framework for objective setting
 Case Study – set an objective for someone in each department
 Giving feedback – ‘motivational’ and ‘developmental’ feedback
 Case Study – identify an opportunity to give motivational and developmental feedback in each of the departments
 Identify conduct and capability issues where feedback needs to be given
 Put into practice what has been learnt in the morning session through scenario work.
 Each delegate has the opportunity to run through a scenario which they are finding / would find challenging. Delegates are given feedback from the facilitator and other delegates and the chance to practice it to hone skills and techniques
 Review, action planning session, suggested further learning and close
 More effective supervision and leadership will improve team performance and help the organisation grow
 Team members will be more motivated and inspired by effective leadership, reducing staff turnover
 Improved feedback and development will create better trained and performing staff
 Trained supervisors will be able to implement best practice across the organisation, increasing efficiency and improving processes
 Prioritisation and delegation techniques for supervisors will allow them to assign work more efficiently and use available resources to their full potential

Who Should Attend ?

This Introduction to Supervision and Team Leadership course is designed for anyone in a supervisory or team leader role and is applicable to any industry or sector


October 21, 2024 - October 25, 2024 (All Day)(GMT+03:00)



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