Advanced Conflict Resolution and Change Management Strategies

202416sepAll Day20Advanced Conflict Resolution and Change Management Strategies

Course Details


 Know the 4 areas for conflict
 Use The Thomas Kilmann Model for greater awareness and effectiveness
 Recognise differing behaviours and learn to adapt to them in order to build lasting collaboration
 Build effective communication Skills for increased collaboration and productivity
 Give and receive feedback on performance and perception openly
 Implement and create workable communication action plans
 Know the 10 most difficult types and how to deal with them
 Gain a greater awareness of yourself and your full leadership potential
 Manage relationships with others effectively, from level one trough to level four competency in all areas
 Understand the key drivers for lasting change
 Understand the need to take responsibility for leading change
 Understand how to be a Champion of Change


Conflict Management
 Welcome, Introductions and objective setting
 What do we mean by the term: Conflict Management”?
 Where and when does conflict happen?
 Our reaction to conflict
 Exercise: TheCommunicationBridge
 DVD: Window on the World of Difficult People
 How to avoid misunderstanding
 The 4 steps to effective Conflict Management
Conflict Resolution
 The Thomas Kilmann (TKI) Conflict Resolution Instrument
 The 2 types of communication
 Exercise: Building collaboration quickly and easily
 Exercise: A Trip to the Theatre!
 DVD The Ten Most Difficult Types
 The 4 results of every communication
 Exercise: Win as Much as You Can!
The Skills of Conflict Resolution
 The 4 behaviours that get results
 The Assertiveness Framework
 Exercise: I want to borrow your car tonight
 Questioning Skills
 Listening for results
 Beyond Listening
High Level Conflict Resolution
 The Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire
 Your EI Strengths
 Exercise: Would I lie to you?
 Dealing with liars
 Facilitating a dispute
 The Saboteur
 The Secret to dealing with people
 Exercise: The Pommelon
Change Management
 Change Exercise: The Ball
 Personal growth and change strategies
 The change curve
 The 5 stages of change
 Kotter’s 8 steps to effective change
 The Burning Platform
 Making change stick
 Change Exercise: Risk it!

Who Should Attend ?

Team Leaders


September 16, 2024 - September 20, 2024 (All Day)(GMT+03:00)



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