Leadership Mastery: Realizing your Leadership Potential through Self Discovery

202409sepAll Day13Leadership Mastery: Realizing your Leadership Potential through Self Discovery

Course Details


• View leadership from a new and higher-level perspective
• Discover and analyze your leadership style and tendencies
• Grow in personal power and effectiveness
• Discover and build upon your intrinsic leadership qualities
• Understand, develop and employ the emotional forces within you
• Develop the critical interpersonal skills essential for leading others
• Build a culture that promotes innovation & creativity
• Become familiar with different styles of thinking and identify your personal preferences
• Develop creativity for transformational leadership
• Learn how to find out what you don’t know—and solve the real problem
• Challenge existing approaches to workplace issues
• Develop flexible creative and well motivated teams


Leadership Development:
Self-Awareness, Skills and Strategies
Master Keys of Effective Leadership
• The principles of leadership
• The mind of the leader
• The heart of the leader
• The practices of effective leaders
• The five roles leaders play
• Leadership self assessment
• Rebalance your leadership style for optimal results
Towards Emotional Self-Awareness
• Growing your personal power
• Achieving emotional excellence
• Self leadership through inner mastery
• Success through a positive attitude
• Your time and your life
• Increasing personal productivity
• Direction through personal Integrity
• Designing a strategic plan for your life and career
Mastering People Skills
• Understanding Interdependence
• Wining through effective communication
• The active listening model
• The four styles of communication
• Dealing with conflict constructively
• Using the principles of influence & persuasion
• Speaking and presenting skillfully
• The art of win-win negotiation
Building and Leading Extraordinary Teams
• How a high performing team differs from a traditional work group
• The three elements of high performance teams
• Understanding the four types of teams
• The stages of team development
• Team dynamics: How teams really work
• Understanding and optimizing team member styles
• Leading through trust
• Leading through change
Performance Management
• Igniting team creativity
• The art of practical coaching
• Conducting effective performance discussions
• Positive discipline through expectations
• Delegating and empowering the right way
• The situation leadership model
• How to analyze development needs
• Using effective tools for managing performance
Leadership, Critical Thinking and Innovation:
Igniting Creativity for Workplace Excellence
Understanding your Creativity
• Creativity & your personality
• Understand and use personality styles as a management tool
• Creative flexibility to manage effectively
• Importance of perception
• Maximising our perceptual ability
• Creativity and the Holistic Model
• Creative people from the past
• Building a Creative Model
Generating Creativity
• Understand how creative thinking works
• Developing Openness to new ideas
• The Creative Mind: Whole Brain Thinking
• Distinguish stages of the creative process
• Recognise what makes excellent creative thinking
• Identify and understand the creativity in others
• Developing a Creative environment
• Consciousness and competence
Strategies for creative problem solving
• Problem solving strategies
• Getting in the right mindset
• Taking risks & looking for paradigm shifts
• Defining the Real Problem
• Recognising mental blocks to creativity
• Brainstorming for solutions
• Utilising the SLIP technique
• Utilising the drill down funnel
Encouraging a creative climate at work
• Releasing creativity at work
• Fostering creativity
• Incubating ideas
• Challenging assumptions
• Creativity for business breakthroughs
• Sharpen your creative thinking: Metaphors & Analogies
• Releasing Creativity through Coaching
• Sharing information for creative solutions
Leading on the creative edge
• Innovative leadership for excellent performance
• Convergent & Divergent Thinking Skills
• Developing creative potential in teams
• Understanding creative people
• Motivating creative individuals at work
• Interacting creatively
• Planning your Creative future

Who Should Attend ?

Team Leaders
Technical Staff


September 9, 2024 - September 13, 2024 (All Day)(GMT+03:00)



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