Management Skills & Techniques - Effective Goal Setting, Planning & Task Management

202407octAll Day11Management Skills & Techniques - Effective Goal Setting, Planning & Task Management

Course Details


  • Use simple frameworks for planning, including allocating and managing priorities, scheduling work, working proactively and reactively and project planning
  • Understand and develop skills necessary to get assigned work completed on time.
  • Use basic planning project tools to plan work strategy
  • Set goals and targets effectively and efficiently
  • Learn how to establish and maintain task deadlines
  • Understand the characteristics of colleagues who assist in our work assignments
  • Develop positive interpersonal techniques for better management of our work
  • Learn how to plan work balancing the constraints of time, cost, scope and quality
  • Understand the role of stakeholders in a project and learn techniques of stakeholder management
  • Develop techniques to deal with organizational change, including delegation and empowerment
  • Develop communication and human interaction skills with others
  • Understand and develop skills necessary to set goals in a strategic and organizational context
  • Consider methods of improving decision making
  • Understand how delegation can be used in setting of goals and planning
  • Identify decision making processes and how they impact on organizations
  • Develop the ability to make higher quality decisions as individuals and teams


 Effective Time, Task & Work Planning
 Setting your Foundation – Organizing your Time, Tasks and Office Systems :-

  • Assessing your present productiveness and areas for improvement
  • Activity logs, effective to-do lists and action programs
  • Managing your workflow, files, emails and office effectively
  • The urgent/important matrix
  • Leverage – achieving much more with the same effort

 Achieving Results through Planning, Prioritizing and Delegation :-

  • Mind-mapping for planning, problem solving and decision making at work
  • Gantt charts – planning small to medium sized projects
  • Effective scheduling – planning to make the best use of your time
  • Goal setting and meeting multiple deadlines
  • The art of delegating

 Overcoming Challenges in Time, Task, Work Planning Effectiveness :-

  • Managing interruptions and minimizing distractions
  • Dealing with late, disorganized or difficult people
  • Managing conflicting priorities and last minute changes
  • Overcoming procrastination
  • Running productive team meetings and making group decisions

 Working with others to Achieve Results :-

  • Team Leadership and improving team effectiveness
  • Effective Communication skills
  • Emotional Intelligence and People Skills
  • The art of concise clear conversations
  • Listening and giving feedback

 Managing Yourself to Achieve Life Long Success :-

  • Energizing and motivating yourself
  • Managing your stress and achieving work-life balance
  • Improving your concentration and focus
  • Increasing self-discipline, breaking bad habits and negative behaviors
  • The effective habits of a good time task manager

 Goal Setting, Planning & Decision Making
 Current Status of Setting Goals, Planning and Decision Making :-

  • Course purpose, goals and objectives
  • Overview and context of organizational change and the impact on goals, planning and decision making
  • Understanding of the current status of the organization, team and personal work
  • Review of management processes and skill areas
  • Using a planning process to set goals and get work started

 Importance of Goal Setting and Planning Management :-

  • Integrating goals, scope, work structure and management planning
  • Identifying initial resource requirements
  • Identifying risk techniques that affect work assignments, priorities and deadlines
  • Communication that responds to: who, what where, when, how, why
  • Understanding the importance of quality planning in work assignments

 Setting Priorities and Making Decisions in the Planning Process :-

  • Using planning to ensure task priorities are established
  • Planning for time management, scheduling and meeting deadlines
  • Improving communications and listening skills
  • Planning for delegation responsibility and authority
  • Techniques for making good decisions

 Working with Your Team :-

  • Identifying skills required to obtain the help of others
  • The importance of group skills to achieve team success
  • The importance of interpersonal skills in making personal and team decisions
  • Empowering the team through delegation and decision making
  • The importance of effective communication in team relations

 Developing Personal and Team Change Action Plans :-

  • Innovation and improvement for personal and team change
  • Identification of change processes and human change
  • Techniques to set personal and team change goals
  • Dealing with people who do not want change
  • Developing an action plan for personal and team change

Who Should Attend ?

Anyone who desires to learn practical management techniques that will assist them in making good decisions, setting personal and team goals and develop personal and team plans
Line and functional Managers, Team Leaders and Supervisors in organizations of all sizes
Intermediate and advanced level Managers, Team Leaders and Supervisors within all sectors, private and public, profit and not-for-profit
Professionals who needs to become more effective and efficient in time management and planning


October 7, 2024 - October 11, 2024 (All Day)(GMT+03:00)



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