Preparing and Developing Training Specialist and Coordinators

202426augAll Day30Preparing and Developing Training Specialist and Coordinators

Course Details


• Describe the training cycle and its application in the modern training and development department (knowledge)
• Discuss the limitations and advantages of a competency based approach to training (comprehension)
• Calculate a training cost benefit and/or a training return on investment (ROI) (application)
• Differentiate between training, learning and talent management (analysis)
• Design a course outline utilising Blooms taxonomy for educational objectives (synthesis)
• Defend training decisions based on cost-benefit analysis (evaluation)


The role and function of today’s training departments
• Introduction and program objectives
• Why do we need to train anyone?
• The role of training and activities covered
• Roles in training – exercise
• The training cycle (Analysis, Design, Develop, Conduct, Evaluate)
• How Adults Learn: Andragogy
• The Conscious Competence Model
• Assessing your own learning style

Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and Competency Based Training (CBT)
• What is training needs analysis?
• Identifying and meeting learning needs
• How TNA techniques helped – case study
• TNA practical exercise
• How to priorities training needs
• Brief overview of DIF analysis
• Competency based training (CBT) – the debate
• How competencies are constructed –practical exercise

Learning Objectives & Testing
• Understanding learning objectives
• Learning strategies
• Writing objectives using bloom’s taxonomy
• Revised taxonomy
• The role of testing in training
• Key properties that psychometric tests should have
• Personality questionnaires and their limitations
• Aptitude and ability tests

Training Evaluation – Completing the Cycle
• What is training evaluation
• Kirkpatrick’s Levels of Evaluation
• Measurement
• Reaction evaluation – end of course reviews
• The performance grid
• Showing the benefit of evaluated training – formula to use
• Calculating a Cost-benefit
• Return on Investment (ROI)

Talent Management & Essential Training Administration Issues
• Talent management – explored
• Succession Planning, Mentoring & Coaching
• Nationalization Programmes
• Managing the training function
• Training records and administration
• External and/or internal training decisions
• Training room set-up
• Personal Action Planning

Who Should Attend ?

New and Existing Training Coordinators
New and Existing Training Specialist
Those involved in Training or HR Administration
Training Personnel who need to update their skills
Human Resource (HR) Professionals and HR Business Partners
Talent Managers
Those involved in Nationalisation Programmes
Supervisors or Technical Staff (including engineers) who train others and who need a good understanding of how training works


August 26, 2024 - August 30, 2024 (All Day)(GMT+03:00)



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