Public Relations Campaigns From Planning to Execution

202412augAll Day16Public Relations Campaigns From Planning to Execution

Course Details


• List and define PR concepts and differentiate between PR and advertising
• Create and implement a PR plan
• List contributions of PR campaigns to strategic management
• Manage a crisis using PR
• Explain the importance of organizational and corporate image
• Measure PR effectiveness


PR recap :-
• PR: definitions, concepts
• Stakeholders in PR
• The many components of PR
• Key differences between PR and advertising
Creating and implementing a public relations plan :-
• PR plan: definition and needs
• Characteristics of a PR plan
• SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats)
• Target audience(s)
• Goals (what we hope to accomplish)
• Objectives (what needs to be done)
• Key messages: simple and descriptive
• Strategy (methods to accomplish objectives)
• Tactics (deadlines and cost)
• Timeline and responsibilities

Contributions of PR campaigns to strategic management :-
• PR and strategic management
• Taking a strategic approach
• What can PR accomplish
• Environmental scanning
• Internal and external environment
• Managing issues

Crisis management using PR :-
• Defining and identifying a crisis
• Remembering the rules in a crisis
• Phases of a crisis
• The disclosure principle
• The symmetrical communication principle
• The relationship principle
• The accountability principle

Importance of the organizational image :-
• Public opinion (attitudes, opinions, actions)
• Building the organizational image
• Variables of managing the image
• Image and reputation management
• From identity to reputation
• Relationship management

Measuring PR effectiveness :-
• Purpose of evaluation (output, outcome)
• Evaluating (process and goals)
• Matching objectives and results
• Measurement (production, exposure)
• Weaknesses of the traditional approach
• Measurement techniques

Who Should Attend ?

PR officers and any other key personnel involved in creating and enhancing a positive image for their organization.


August 12, 2024 - August 16, 2024 (All Day)(GMT+03:00)



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