Courses Project, Contracts, Purchasing & Tenders

Current Month


202409sepAll Day13Logistics & Supply Chain Management

202409sepAll Day13الاتجاهات المتقدمة لأنظمة المشتريات والمخازن الذكية وكيفية الرقابة على المخازن والمستودعات

202416sepAll Day20The Effective Buyer- Effective Purchasing, Supplier Selection & Contract Preparation

202416sepAll Day20Planning Build Operate Transfer Projects and Contracts Skills Development

202416sepAll Day20Effective Expediting: Monitoring, Controlling and Improving Timely Supplier Deliveries

202423sepAll Day27Advanced Purchasing Management


202407octAll Day11Project Scheduling and Cost Planning Skills

202407octAll Day11Excellence in Warehouse and Inventory

202414octAll Day18advanced management of suppliers and contracts


202404novAll Day08Understanding Expert Witness Skills, Processes and Evaluation Methods

202411novAll Day15The Complete Course on Purchasing & Inventory Management


202402decAll Day06Project Cost Estimating, Budgeting & Value Engineering Skills

202409decAll Day13Applied Project Management - Oil and Gas

202423decAll Day27Portfolio Management and Investment Analysis

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