Courses Management & Leadership

Current Month


202409sepAll Day13Leadership Mastery: Realizing your Leadership Potential through Self Discovery

202416sepAll Day20Improving Productivity & Employee Engagement through Effective Frontline Leadership

202416sepAll Day20Managing and Leading Strategic Communication: Public Relations, Marketing and Internal Communication

202416sepAll Day20Advanced Conflict Resolution and Change Management Strategies

202423sepAll Day27Competency Development and Managerial Excellence for Maintenance Supervisors


202407octAll Day11Management Skills & Techniques - Effective Goal Setting, Planning & Task Management

202407octAll Day11Organizing and Behavioral Skills for Administrative Professionals - Executive Secretaries

202414octAll Day18Leadership and Team Development for Managerial Success

202414octAll Day18Strategic Planning, Development and Implementation

202414octAll Day18Organizing and Behavioral Skills for Administrative Professionals - Executive Secretaries

202421octAll Day25Team Leadership & Supervision: a Competency Based Approach

202421octAll Day25Performance Management - Setting Objectives and Conducting Appraisals


202418novAll Day22Driving Performance through Talent Management

202418novAll Day22Managing Multiple Tasks, Priorities & Deadlines

202425novAll Day29Advanced Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

202425novAll Day29Managing Employee Performance, Behavior & Attitudes


202402decAll Day06Managerial skills Development and the art of dealing with stress

202409decAll Day13Developing Behavioral & Leadership Skills for Managers

202416decAll Day20Facility Manager

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